Gong Bath Dates 2025
Gong Baths 2025
Regular Gong Baths are held at Body Nurture on a Saturdays between 2 and 3.30 pm.
Please see the Gong Dates 2025 page for further details and our Booking and Prices page for details of how to book for both members and non members of Body Nurture
Where possible we like to work with full moon energy
25/1 – Moon in Sagittarius
15/2 – Private Closed Session
15/3 – Full Worm Moon
12/4 – Full Pink Moon
10/5 – Full Flower Moon
12/7 – Full Buck Moon
9/8 – Full Sturgeon Moon
18/10 – Moon in Virgo
15/11 – Moon in Libra
Introduction to Somatics
Introduction to Somatics – £25. Saturday 12th Apr 2025 – 9.30 – 11.00 am
Hanna Somatics is a safe, gentle and common sense approach to eliminating chronic muscle pain for the long term. It is the only sensory motor training method that teaches you to reverse the root cause of most chronic muscle pain and gives you strategies to reduce muscle tension and pain in the future.
We are lead to the belief that as we get older our physical ability declines and we become more and more restricted in our movements.
This need not be the case!
During this Workshop you will be introduced to the 8 basic exercises originally presented by Thomas Hanna in his book Somatics – Reawakening the Mind’s Control of Movement, Flexibility & Health
To book:
Members – purchase a CR from the STORE within the booking system and book yourself in
Non Members – please email susan@bodynurture.co.uk
8 places
Beltane – Celebrating the Divine Feminine
Celebrating the Divine Feminine – £30. Thursday 1st May 2025 6.30 – 8.30 pm
A beautiful celebration of Beltane. A flower strewn evening of ceremony, yoga, drumming, chant and all things feminine
It is the ushering in of summer, and the opportunity for us to give thanks for surviving another winter
It’s a time to celebrate the women that are in our lives, or that have passed through on their respective journeys. To show our love and respect for them and ourselves.
“An Awakening Woman is…in a glowing, and embodied, nothing-held-back love affair with the great mystery. She moves in this world with fierce compassion, grace and freedom, and is passionate about truth, rest and real love.“ ~ Chameli Ardagh
8 places
Members – book via the booking system
Non – Members please email Sue – susan@bodynurture.co.uk
All Night Gong Puja
All Night Gong Puja – Friday 20th into Saturday 21st June 2025
Start time TBC – but late evening
Celebrating the Summer Solstice. Puja – a celebration – in this case to honour the sun
We will begin our evening quite late – chanting and rituals, perhaps a mug of cacao
When the time feels right we will begin to settle down. Participants will be invited to bring with them any bedding that will make them comfortable for the night. The gongs start to work their magic……..
The sound from the gongs gets quieter and quieter………….
It is quite usual to drift in and out of sleep – sit up for a while – settle down again as our bodies absorb the beautiful gong energy and we let go of anything not serving us
As dawn approaches gentle drumming will bring you lovingly out of your slumber. We will witness the sun rise at 04.38 – connect with our brothers and sisters celebrating at Stone Henge, and honour the ancestors who have done the same for thousands of years before us.
Following the Solstice Celebration, for those attending the Dawn Yoga Sessions its our final yoga session at the usual time – 5.45 am.
Some time to clear up and freshen up – before a breakfast treat at The Globe Cafe in Egerton
Pricing for this event:
Yoginis attending the Dawn Yoga Series discounted price – £20
Guests attending the Puja only – £35
8 places
Dawn Yoga
Dawn Yoga 2025 – £45. Tue 17th – Sat 21st June 2025 – 5.45 – 6.30 am
Five days of early morning yoga.
Our annual Dawn Yoga sessions are an ideal time to truly experience the flow of Prana – our vital life force. By practicing daily we can nurture our minds and bodies and feel the benefit that a regular yoga practise can bring.
As always we begin each day with the practice or mouna – or silence. You will be gently guided through some simple warm up stretches – testing your powers of observation as we work without verbal instruction for the first part of the session.
Our sessions culminate with the celebration of the Summer Solstice on Saturday 21st.
The sun will rise at 04.38
Participants who have been attending the early yoga sessions can choose come in for their 5.45 am practice as normal on the final day (Saturday) – or there is the option to attend the all night Gong Puja, which would start on the evening of Friday 20th.
Attendees will be woken from their slumber with a very gentle and moving drum ceremony – in time to witness the sun rise along with fellow yoginis celebrating at ancient monuments such as Stone Henge.
Passes for the all night Puja are offered to Dawn Yoga Yoginis at a discounted rate of £20
6 places
Somatics – The Next Steps
Somatics – The Next Steps – £25. Saturday 9th August 2025 – 9.30 – 11.00 am
A Somatics workshop for those who have attended the ‘Introduction to Somatics’ sessions in April
With a basic understanding of the concept of Somatics we are ready to progress to learning a basic workout that you can practice regularly at home.
What’s included in the session:
As in the previous sessions we will run a ‘self body scan’ – noticing where we are tight/uneven/out of balance
A recap on some of the basics
A closer look at Red and Green light and Trauma reflexes and how we might go about planning our own ‘maintenance’ self practice according to the needs of our bodies.
If you are interested in attending this session but did not attend the ‘Introduction To Somatics’ session last year it is still possible to attend if you would like to book a one to one session with me to bring you up to speed.
Please email me if you would like to do this – and if there is more than one person I will try to arrange the session so that you can attend together which will be reflected in the reduced price per person susan@bodynurture.co.uk
Body Nurture members – book via the bookings system
Non members please email for further details
8 places
Making Kombucha
Making your own Kombucha – Saturday 30th Aug 2025 – 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
What is Kombucha? Basically it’s fermented tea. It is a probiotic – containing bacteria/micro organisms reputed to be good for our gut health and supportive to our immune system
In this workshop you will learn all about kombucha, and how you can make your own at home for next to nothing. Just a little sugar and a few green tea bags approximately every 2 weeks.
You’ll need a SCOBY - Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast. This is what ‘eats’ the sugar and in turn ferments the brew.
I’ve brewed my own Kombucha for more years than I care to remember now – and as some clients have expressed an interest in making their own I thought I’d share my brewing tips with you.
£25 for worksop and SCOBY
£50 for the workshop plus SCOBY and 8L brewing jar. You will be ready to go!
6 places
Autumnal Equinox – Drumming Circle
Autumnal Equinox - Drumming Circle - £30. Saturday 20th Sep 2025
2.00 – 4.00 pm
Sunday 21st September 2025 marks the Autumnal Equinox, a moment in the year when day is equal to night. The word equinox comes from the Latin “equi” – meaning equal, and “nox” – meaning night. As the Spring Equinox in March signifies the ascent into the warmer days of summer, the Autumnal Equinox marks the descent into the darker days of winter. From this point onwards the nights grow increasingly longer than the days.
The Equinox is an opportunity for us to look to the natural world for guidance and comfort. The cyclical change in seasons allows us to look inwards at our own transformation and growth during the past year. And as the leaves fall from the branches, we learn to let go of what no longer serves us.
Using the ancient beat of the drum can help us to connect with our ancestors and the ‘old ways’. Taking comfort from its heart beat we can prepare for our transition into the darker months. Just as our ancestors did – knowing that the coming winter months are part of the amazing cycle life.
Drums can be provided if you don’t have your own
8 places
Winter Solstice Celebration
Winter Solstice Celebration 2025 – £30. Saturday 13th December
2.00 – 4.30 pm
A truly magical afternoon or ceremony, chanting, drumming and Gong welcoming the light in preparation for the New Year ahead
A wonderful way to slow down, take a break from the festive season’s preparations and invest in some YOU time and re charge your batteries
8 places
Celebration of Spring
Saturday 16th March 2024
A special afternoon/evening celebrating the coming of Spring including a Peruvian Despatcho ceremony – giving thanks to Pachamama (Earth Mother) for all she gives us & then letting go with FIRE of what no longer serves us.
You will also be part of a sacred ceremony where you will receive the first of the 9 Munay-Ki Rites – The Healers Rite. The Pi Stone which is part of the ceremony will be yours to keep.
The evening concludes with a Gong Bath & Ceremonial Cacao.
Places for this very special event are limited.
Cost for 3 hour session – £50
To book – purchase a ‘Workshop £50’ and use it to book in on 16th March.
Non members – please email to register your interest
(Cancellations with more than 72 hours notice a full CR will be applied to your account – less than 72 hours notice 50% CR only).