Hanna Somatics Workshop

Introduction to Hanna Somatics

with Sue Bailey

Saturday 7th October 2.00 – 4.00 pm


Hanna Somatics is a gentle, sensible, and safe approach to help relieve pain and allow ease of movement

Hanna Somatics is sensory-motor training that works for all kinds of stress, injury, and movement problems

Learn how to move “from the inside out,” recover your well being and enhance your life!

If you have been wondering what Somatics is all about…… please email Sue on susan@bodynurture.co.uk or call on 07887922356


Gong Sound Bath

Gong Master Kath Reade returns to bathe us in her wonderful Gong Sound Bath

Saturday 23rd September 2017

at Body Nurture 3.00 – 4.30 pm      £20

A gong sound bath is a one hour immersion in healing sound where the gong master plays the gongs expertly to activate their full sonic potential, bathing the listener in waves of golden primordial sound.

During a gong bath, listeners typically experience a sense of connectedness and peace as the gong clears blockages and restores the free flow of vital life energy

Limited to just 12 places – email Sue to book susan@bodynurture.co.uk

108 Sun Salutations – Fund Raiser

Saturday August 19th

Calling all Yogis and Yoginis – join us as we attempt to perform 108 Sun Salutations to raise funds for an inspirational pair of best pals

Read their story here


How can you help?

Join in on 19th – get your friends and family to sponsor you per Salutation and do as many as you can

We need people to help count too, so if you don’t fancy doing the Salutations you could always adjudicate

Donate directly to POD & PIG’S site

Donate via Body Nurture reception

We’ll get going around 10.00 am

Light refreshments provided

Dawn Warriors!

Summer Six Week Yoga Course

Wednesdays 6.00 am – 7.00 am


Dates: June 21st, 28th, July5th, 12th, 19th, 26th

This will be a dynamic flowing practise of sun salutations

We will also be adding to our Dragon Sequence

Get your day off to an energrtic start and feel the energy flow!

Not suitable for complete beginners.

Limited to just SIX places

Email Sue on susan@bodynurture.co.uk

Clinical Somatics with David Fleming

We are delighted to announce that David will be holding Clinical Somatics sessions at Body Nurture on the following dates this year:
Thursday 23/3
Friday 21/4
Friday 26/5
Please contact David directly for more information or to book
His details are:
Email  somatics@accessmovement.co.uk
Mobile  07702 665283

Spring Equinox 2017

Join us at Body Nurture on Sunday 19th March

As we celebrate the coming of SPRING

2.00 – 4.00 pm  £10

** Gentle yoga


**Light refreshments

Email susan@bodynurture.co.uk

for more info/to book

(actual equinox Monday 20th – but we’re celebrating as close as we can)

Pilates for Golf Workshop

 How would you like to……..

*Improve your mobility, coordination and technique?

*Learn to engage the muscles required to increase your club head speed?

Join us for a Pilates based GOLF workshop at 

Body Nurture Yoga and Pilates studio, 

Blackburn Road, Egerton BL7 9SN

With studio owner Sue Bailey

 and fellow Pilates teacher Nicole Richards  

Saturday 1st April 2017

2.00 – 4.00 pm

Cost £40 including light refreshments


Places will be limited – so don’t delay.  Reserve your space by emailing Sue on susan@bodynurture.co.uk

or call 07887 922356


Who Do You Think You Are?

Personality and Advanced Colour Workshop

Saturday March 4th 2017 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

With Penny Elger from House of Colour

Find our your ‘clothing personality’

Discover why you have things in your wardrobe that are “just not me”

Find out how to make the most of your colour palate


Just £ 5 for an afternoon of fun – including a glass of fizz and nibbles